Who shot Michael Collins? Padraic O'Farrell's theory is the
most far-out and ingenious. I read it in one mid-night sitting; it
has the button-holing compulsion of a man met in a dark
lameway. I can't wait to see the film version.
Hugh Leonard
From the passions of Ireland's fight for freedom
comes a story of love, war, religious fervour, joy and
Break the Green Bough is set in the final three years of the
life of Michael Collins, Ireland's brilliant and volatile
revolutionary leader. Around the momentous events of the
War of Independence
_ Bloody Sunday, the burning of
the Custom House, Beal na Blath
- fact is woven with
fiction to give an intriguing tapestry of city and country
life in the early twenties.
Padraic 'Farrell brings compassion, understanding and
humour to a period of great violence and strife and gives
us a fascinating story. Far from extolling violence, this
book underlines the pain and hardship endured within
human relationships in times of conflict.
Condition: Used & in Good condition. Sold as seen.
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